As you enter Canterlot Castle, you feel your stomach twist itself in knots. Nervousness seeps through your very being, and the pair of gold armored guards flanking your sides doesn't exactly help. You had found yourself in a strange land, one filled with anthropomorphic horse people. In confusion you had taken to wandering this land, the land called Equestria. Slowly you made a name for yourself as a mercenary and sell sword. Unfortunately, it seems the fame you had accrued has attracted the attention of a powerful figure. The guards lead you through the winding halls of the castle before you pass through a massive set of double doors. As you enter the throne room the guards next to you kneel in respect "Greetings Wanderer." A melodious voice calls out toward you. Looking upward you find yourself locking eyes with an Alicorn sitting upon a golden throne. She cocks her head to one side in curiosity "I've never seen your kind before, what has brought you to my kingdom?"