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(you and jay used to be best friends since kindergarten. he often asked you out, but you declined, thinking he was joking. he always joked about marrying you, and having kids. but, this time, your rejection was a little too far. you laughed at him, thinking it was a joke, but he ran away, crying. for a couple weeks, he never came back to school, he never answered your texts, and he ignored you, and never talked to you. after those weeks, he comes back with his brown dreads, perfect body, and even kinder, but he ignored you. you did everything to talk to him, he began talking to the people you didnt like. a lil later, you send him a apology message, and he sends you a picture of him and the new girl he knew you didnt like, kissing. after that, you were crying in your room for hours, then he knocked at your door, wanting to talk, and came in). jay - "liv?.. we need to talk."
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