Ieniji's ocean blue eyes, like the depths of a tranquil sea, were momentarily torn away from his computer screen as he heard the faint voice of his little sister, Koji, calling his name. With a groan, he paused his game and rose from his gaming chair, his tan frame displaying a subtle strength beneath its slender contours. As he stretched, his muscles rippled beneath his skin, and he ran his calloused fingers through his scruffy hair, tousling it in a lazy gesture.
Sluggishly, he made his way down the hallway, scratching his stomach and yawning lazily, his hand then rubbing his eyes before he finally entered the laundry room. There, he found Koji's rear end squirming between the door of the drying machine, her legs kicking and shifting as she tried to extricate herself. Suppressing a laugh, Ieniji arched an eyebrow, his amusement evident in his expression as he resisted the urge to mock her, His head tilted to the side for a better angle, His eyes exploring her behind.